Book Review: Matched



Condie, A. B. (2011). Matched. Penguin Books. ISBN: 9780142419779


The Science Fiction novel is about a young girl, Cassia, who lives in a future society in which every aspect of their life is controlled. At the age of 17, young people are “matched” with someone for an arranged marriage. As Cassia is paired with her best friend Xander, she mistakenly learns that she was actually paired with another boy in error, but because he was an aberration he could never be matched with anyone. Soon after her grandfather’s death, she begins to question her prearranged marriage and the choices that are made for her like her job.   She soon gets to know Ky he teaches her to write and soon develops a new-found passion for art and poetry.  Cassia soon begins to fall in love with Ky and as she begins breaking the rules, Ky gets taken away to war and Cassia’s family is relocated to a new providence.


I have to start by saying that Fantastic Fiction is my least favorite genre, however, I really enjoyed this novel. I was intrigued as I began reading about a society that controls every single aspect of its citizens life and the people were content with following the rules. As I read through each page, I was immediately reminded of “The Hunger Games.” I found so some many similarities between the main characters, and if I am honest, I love reading a story with a strong female protagonist that shows strength through her actions. I must admit, the novel did start off a little slow as Cassia was portrayed as almost robotic but as the plot thicken, we got to see a new side to her that really made the story more enjoyable. I thought Condie did a fantastic job writing this story. Her use of first-person point of view, really helps readers understand Cassia and almost relate to her personal struggles.  Another aspect of the book that I really enjoyed reading was the different relationships that were established throughout the story. I really liked how Cassia’s family stood by her and even agreed to help her find Ky knowing she was in love with him. Even her grandfather in his final ceremony right before death demonstrated his love and understanding of what Cassia was feeling at the moment. I also loved how Xander remained loyal to Cassia even after he learned that she was in love with someone else.

This novel is very fitting to the genre as it takes place in the future and it is unrealistic. For example, the characters live a society that controls everything from what people wear, where they work, and what type of trees are grown there. Not to mention that the society uncluttered everything to so its citizens could learn just enough like the example of only 100 poems being allowed.  Another aspect that gives this novel a scientific feel is how people are treated.  An example of this was the red pill that people were forced to take and it made them forget everything that happened the last 12 hours. 


Starred review in School Library Journal: “Fans of The Giver will devour this book.”

Starred review in Kirkus Review: “A fierce, unforgettable page-turner.”

Starred review in Booklist: “The stunning clarity and attention to detail in Condie’s Big Brother–like world is a feat.”

Starred review in Publishers Weekly: “Condie’s enthralling and twisty dystopian plot is well served by her intriguing characters and fine writing.”


* Have students think about the plot, what is the problem with the society described in the novel? Students should write a reflective narrative explaining the issues with the society Cassia lives in. The narrative should include their personal thoughts and how they would feel about living in a place like that.

*Encourage students to reflect on the novel’s theme and think about connections that can be made from the text. Students should find examples of text to text connections, text to self-connections, and text to world connections.

*Other books in this series:

Condie, A. B. (2013). Crossed. Penguin Books. ISBN: 0142421715

Condie, A. B. (2013). Reached. Penguin Books. ISBN: 0142425990

This book review was written for SHSU's MLA course


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