Book Review: The Outsiders



Hinton, S. E. (1967). The outsiders. Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House.

ISBN: 014240733X


Set in the 60’s in Oklahoma, this classic novel is about the sad divisions of society. In this story, we meet Ponyboy, who is also known as a “greaser”. In this small town, teenage boys are divided into the “greasers” and the “Socs”. The “Socs” are the rich and privileged kids who can do no wrong. The plot thickens when one of Ponyboy’s friends, Johnny, accidently kids a “Soc” named Bob. With the help of another friend, Dally, Ponyboy and Johnny go into hiding for a few days.  Tragedy doesn’t seem to escape them. While trying to save some kids from a church fire, the roof collapses and Johnny is seriously injured and dies from those injuries. Filled with guilt, Dally robs a grocery store and is chased and killed by police.


This book was amazing! I can not believe I waited this long to read the book!!!!! This novel was narrated by Ponyboy Curtis, one of the main characters, for “all the Dally’s in the world” as he shared the events that transpired that eventually lead him to write the book as a way of coping with the grief and trauma he was dealing with. This novel takes place in the 60’s, which was the time period in which it was written. Details in the story accurately depict the area, for example, drinking and driving was something that was included in the novel and was something that was popular during that time period. Topics such as suicide, teen pregnancy, smoking, and division in social classes were also addressed throughout the novel. I will say I was rather shocked to learn that Hinton was only 15 when she wrote this novel, because the way she addressed such topics was impressive. This novel was brilliantly written, we still see some of the themes addressed in the story. For example, even though this book was written over 60 years ago, we still a division in social class and bullying. The characters in this novel are so well developed and have a lot of depth to them. For example, Ponyboy is a young man who is surrounded by tragedy. He recently lost his parents and relies and his brothers and friends to care for him. We saw the changes he underwent throughout the story due to everything he experienced. Johnny was another great character who reacted out of panic to save his friend. Ironically, his life was cut short while trying kids from a burning building. This show how caring and self-less Johnny was.


A New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Book

A Chicago Tribune Book World Spring Book Festival Honor Book

An ALA Best Book for Young Adults

Winner of the Massachusetts Children's Book Award

Starred review in Horn Book: "This remarkable novel gives a moving, credible view of the outsiders from the inside...we meet powerful characters in a book with a powerful message."

Starred review in Chicago Tribune: "Taut with tension, filled with drama."

Starred review in The New York Times: "The Outsiders transformed young-adult fiction from a genre mostly about prom queens, football players and high school crushes to one that portrayed a darker, truer world."


*Lead students to think about the different themes that were present throughout the story. For example, we saw how Bullying was a huge part of the story, think about then and now. Do we still see similar forms of bullying in today’s society?

*Engage students in a comparison of the “greasers” and the “Socs”.  Are there any similarities in the two groups?

*Ask students to reflect on the story and the plot, how would the story have been different if Johnny hadn’t accidently murdered Bob? 

*Other books about Bullying

KUPERMAN, K. (2021). Only way out: A bully, a victim and a bystander whose lives will never be the same. BOOKBABY.

ISBN: 109839108X

*Other books by S.E. Hinton

Hinton, S. E. (1979). Tex. Random House USA, Inc. ISBN: 0385375670

Hinton, S. E. (1971). That was then, this is now. Speak. ISBN: 0140389660

Book review was written for SHSU MLA course. 


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