Book Review: A Stick is an Excellent Thing



Singer, M., & Pham, L. (2012). A stick is an excellent thing: Poems celebrating outdoor play. Clarion Books. ISBN: 0547124937


This short collection of eighteen poems brings to life the excitement of different fun filled activities and games that can be played outside. Before videogames, some examples described include jump roping, playing on swings, hide and seek, and playing ball.


This is a must have in every home and library! Through her words, Singer took me to my fun filled childhood world before videogames and technology.  Each of her poems in this collection immerses readers in what a summer afternoon regardless of where you live can be like with jaxs, sprinklers, jump roping, and running into sidewalk puddles. Each poem describes a different activity that can be played outside in great detail.  Singer’s use of Onomatopoeia and repetition perfectly captured the fun experiences of playing outside on a hot summer day! Her words are also written in a lyrical form that gets readers singing the words. This book quickly became one of my personal favorites that was immediately shared with my husband and kids.  Reading through each page took me back in time to family gatherings and the fun adventures I shared playing outside with my siblings and family members.

Pham’s illustrations are bold and colorful! Through her illustrations, Pham perfectly captures the fun and adventures young readers experience when playing outside. Additionally, her illustrations represent different cultures in children and in their home life. This shows readers that it doesn’t matter where they are or where they come from, fun can be all around them. I love how her pictures show the different adventures children have whether they live in a busy city filled with tall building or in a grassy field. Her attention to detail is exceptional. From the look of excitement on the children’s faces to the different locations that add the adventures of playing outside.


Starred review in Booklist: “Even the youngest children will recognize the hands-on enjoyment.”

Starred review in Kirkus: “A thrilling integration of verse and image, motivating all to serious fun.”

Starred review in School Library Journal: “An appealing book.”


*Lead students in a discussion about their favorite outdoor activity. Once they brainstorm different ideas, encourage them to write a short verse about their favorite outdoor adventure.

*Take students outside on a walk, engage them in a discussion about what they see outside. Have them share ideas about what they would do if they had a chance.   

*Other books about the outdoors fun for children:

Cornwall, G. (2020). Jabari jumps. Candlewick Press.

Janeczko, P. B., & Sweet, M. (2018). Firefly July: A year of Very Short Poems. Candlewick Press.

Review completed for SHSU MLA course


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