Book Review: The Snowy Day



Keats, E. J. (2006). The snowy day. Sacramento Braille Transcribers


This heart-warming story shares Peter’s fun filled experience on his first snowy day. From finding a stick that he “s-l-o-w-l-y” drags to make tracks to making snow angels. To end his day, Peter sticks a giant snowball in his pocket before going in for the night. Right before bedtime, Peter realizes his snowball is gone and dreams that the sun had melted all the snow. Upon waking up, he realizes it was just a dream.


Keats words describe a snowy day and different things that can be done outside during the snow. His words perfectly capture a “kid’s” perceptive on a snowy day. His use of onomatopoeia helps readers visualize how fun playing in the snow can be. Reading through this story reminded me of my first encounter with snow, and it took me back to this past winter when my kids experienced snow for the first time.
Keats simple illustrations accurately depicts Peter’s adventures in the snow. His cartoon illustrations center around the basic colors.  His characters do not have faces illustrated, which allows readers to make inferences about their feels and helps readers focus their attention on Peter.

This book is appropriate of any age group, especially those who have never experienced snow. Peter’s adventures reminded me of my first adventures with snow as an overexcited adult! 


1963 Caldecott Medal Award


*Lead students in writing their own fiction story about what they would do if they were in Peter’s shoes.

*Gather other books about first time experiences with snow and compare and contrast the experiences.

*Other books for children about snow day adventures:

Castillo, L., & Gebauer, C. (2020). Nana in the city. ISBN 9780544104433

Whamond, D., & Stokes, J. (2018). Rosie’s glasses. ISBN 9781771389914

Review completed for SHSU MLS Course


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